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A water service interruption notice for July 25 due to construction, bilingual in English and Spanish, with contact details.

Attention Biola residents: Water will be turned off Thursday, July 25th due to construction. Residents on the North side of E Street and South side of D street between Fifth Street and Third street will be affected and will have no water from 8AM TO 1PM. We apologize for the inconvenience this will caused and will ensure to keep the public informed with any updates as they come to us. For further information, please contact the BIOLA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AT (559) 843-2657.
Atención residentes de Biola: El agua se cortará el jueves 25 de julio debido a obras de construcción. Los residentes del lado norte de la calle E y del lado sur de la calle D entre la calle Quinta y la calle Tercera se verán afectados y no tendrán agua de 8 a. m. a 1 p. m. Nos disculpamos por las molestias que esto haya causado y nos aseguraremos de mantener al público informado sobre cualquier actualización que nos llegue. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el DISTRITO DE SERVICIOS COMUNITARIOS DE BIOLA AL (559) 843-2657.

Update: Biola residents, the temporary water shutoff due to construction will conclude at 3:30 PM. Please flush your backyard faucets before turning on your indoor water. Thank you for your patience and for working with the District to ensure this process runs smoothly.